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-- 모듈 연습장입니다.
local p = {}
p.josa = function(frame)
local arg = frame.args
return _josa(arg)
function _josa(args)
local result = {{'은', '는', '은(는)'}, {'이', '가', '이(가)'}, {'을', '를', '을(를)'}, {'으로', '로', '(으)로'}, {'과', '와', '과(와)'}, {'아', '야', '아(야)'}, {'이', '', '(이)'}}
if args[1] == '은는' then
tp = 1
elseif args[1] == '이가' then
tp = 2
elseif args[1] == '을를' then
tp = 3
elseif args[1] == '으로' then
tp = 4
elseif args[1] == '과와' then
tp = 5
elseif args[1] == '아야' then
tp = 6
elseif args[1] == '이' then
tp = 7
local fin = mw.ustring.sub(mw.ustring.toNFD(args[2]), -1, -1)
local fnum = mw.ustring.codepoint(fin)
local code
if (fnum == 4527 or fnum == 12601) then
code = 10
elseif ((4520 <= fnum and fnum <= 4546) or (12593 <= fnum and fnum <= 12622)) then
code = 1
elseif ((4449 <= fnum and fnum <= 4469) or (12623 <= fnum and fnum <= 12643)) then
code = 2
code = 3
if tp == 4 then
if code == 1 then
josa = result[4][1]
elseif code == 2 or code == 10 then
josa = result[4][2]
else josa = result[4][3]
if code == 1 or code == 10 then
josa = result[tp][1]
elseif code == 2 then
josa = result[tp][2]
else josa = result[tp][3]
return table.concat({args[2], josa})
return p